Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hope at Kilometer 45 (DVD)

Just finished working on Hope at Kilometer 45 DVD.
In the Peruvian jungle Curandera Norma Panduro Havarro runs a small place called Clinica Naturista "Jose Torres Vasquez" located 45 km. from Iquitos. Her healing method is a combination of Ayahuasca ceremonies, diet adjustments, spiritual guidance and chanting. She has helped many people to come back to life.

Bruno's Story 48 min.
Norma's Healing Center 9 min.
Ayahuasca Ceremony 9 min.

Curandera Norma Panduro Havarro and her apprentice cooking Ayahuasca.

1 comment:

grey said...

This looks like a very interesting story.

Is this film your production?
