Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Barefoot Biopirate

Fascinating and at the same time sad story in WIRED magazine about Brazilian biologist Marc van Roosmalen, originally of Dutch birth living in Manaus in Brazil. Scientist who spent most of his research time in the field, deep in the jungle instead of library or lab. His nontraditional work methods and fight for preservation of rain forest made him enemy of jealous colleagues and corrupt Brazilian bureaucrats, who accused him in biopiracy. Roosmalen, voted a Hero of the Planet by Time magazine in 2000, was sentenced for 15 years for trying to protect the Brazilian wilderness and many still undiscovered creatures. Rain forest is cut for shortsighted agricultural use. Exports of soya for cattle feed, mostly to China and Europe, are being put ahead of the environment. Just remember fate of activists Chico Mendez in 1988 and Dorothy Stang in 2005.
Read also interview with Marc van Roosmalen on Aquatic Community's site.

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